Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer break

One of the things about working in a year-round school that I'm still getting used to is the short summer. I have it better than some - Tracks 1, 2, and 3 are already back in session for a new school year. My track, 4, is the most like a traditional school calendar. We go through the end of June, then I have three weeks off, a week of workdays and the new school year will begin on July 30th.

I've got another week before I head back in and while part of my brain is already thinking ahead to my new classroom and the new school year, I'm not quite ready to let it take over just yet. I was moved out into a mobile unit for this upcoming year to make room for another section of 4th grade plus another section of 5th grade. Everyone seems to think I've taken one for the team so to speak but I'm really not concerned about it. It's about the same size as my former classroom, plus I will have my own air conditioning and heat controls and I'm getting one of the new Smartboards being purchased. I had a Smartboard for half of last year and that was really my only major issue - as long as I have that, I'm pretty sure I can teach anywhere. It really became like my right arm last year and I'm going to try hard to never have to teach without one.

The other thing on my mind is getting a new class of students. Last year was my first year so I've not yet had the experience of starting over with a new group of kids. I had a great class last year - smart, motivated and very few behavior issues. They got along well and worked as a team for the most part. I can't say I'm not nervous, a little, about getting a new group. I'm sure it will be fine and probably better because I feel like I have so much more of an idea of what I'm doing and how to start the year off well.

But for now, I have another week of summer freedom and my goal is to not think about school. I love my job and I also love the breaks - especially for a novice teacher they are much needed times to rest and recharge my batteries.

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